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Scroll down to see Nevada’s Soil Health Champions!
The NACD Soil Health Champions Network (SHCN) is made up of more than 240 farmers, ranchers and woodland owners from across the nation who practice good soil health management on their operations and promote the use of soil health management systems in their communities.
The mission of the SHCN is to increase the adoption of soil health systems by farmers and other landowners nationwide.
NACD’s SHCN began in 2015 through an effort to promote soil health education and outreach among America’s farmers, ranchers and forestland owners. Today, the Network is comprised of more than 240 landowners and operators who implement conservation practices on their land and champion the benefits of soil health within their communities. Soil Health Champions have working relationships with their local conservation districts and USDA service centers, and are often community leaders and early adopters of conservation practices.
Soil Health Champions from Nevada
Gary McCuin, Eureka, NV
Charles Schembre, Minden, NV
Maninder Walia, Ph.D., Reno, NV