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NvACD/NACD Annual Poster Contest

Every fall, NvACD coordinates with the conservation districts in Nevada to hold a conservation-based poster contest developed every year by the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). The poster contest theme is chosen at the national level, but carried out by the local conservation districts in each state. Each CD has the option to distribute the poster contest information to youth in their area, collect the completed posters, judge winners for each division, and finally submit the local posters to the state competition. NvACD judges the submitted posters from the participating CDs and awards 1st-3rd place winners in each age division. The 1st place poster from each age division at the sate level is then submitted to the national level competition. NvACD believes holding this poster contest is a fun way to introduce Nevada’s youth to the importance of conservation efforts in our state.

(Scroll down for 2024 poster contest information.)

2024 NvACD/NACD Poster Contest

This year’s poster contest theme is “MAY THE FOREST BE WITH YOU ALWAYS.”
Posters from each participating CD must be submitted to NvACD by October 31, 2024.
For more information on how to submit local posters to the state level (NvACD), please contact Adriane Tibbitts at